Have a Ball

599px-New_Year_Ball_Drop_Event_for_2012_at_Times_SquareIt’s a new year- and a new List of Surprises! After a long hiatus, we’re back and ready to dig into all the wonderful weirdness American history has to offer.

So let’s get started with a timely topic! Every New Year’s Eve, Americans gather for a midnight ritual. Some people go to stand outside in Manhattan, crammed together with strangers, shivering in the cold, no bathrooms in sight. Some go to the Times Square Bubba Gump, paying just $799 per person to eat popcorn shrimp and enjoy the view. Some stay in their warm, comfortable houses, happily equipped with cheap champagne and indoor plumbing. No matter where we go or how poor our decision making, most of us are gathered for the same thing- to watch the Times Square ball drop and ring in a new year. But what’s the deal with that ball, anyway? Continue reading “Have a Ball”